Illuminated Amendments & Historical Nuggets
One collaboration leads to another, which we love. It’s been invigorating to work with all of the partners who are collaborating on #ChalktheVoteOR.
These colorful and insightful Illuminated Amendments and Historical Nuggets are the result of a collaboration between OWHC, artist N. Scrantz Lersch, of Studio 37, and historian and activist Nikki Mandell who located the campaign pins to use and wrote the Nuggets.
Not only will these graphics be handy aids to have as you’re chalking amendment texts this week, the historic pins might inspire you to chalk about a voting rights amendment in a new way. Below is one example.
And if you haven’t already seen these illuminated amendments and Historical Nuggets, we include them here as one more inspiration before you hit the sidewalks!
Enjoy! Be safe! And please share your good work. At us @oregonwomenshistory on Instagram and Facebook and use the hashtag #ChalkTheVoteOR!!
Happy Chalking everyone!